Legacy Projects

Each year, the Legacy Committee selects a project with the intent to bring a long-lasting benefit to the Kansas City community. The committee plans the project, leads the project, and organizes the Centurion volunteers to participate in the project.

Apply now for the Pinnacle 2025-2026 Legacy Project

Extended! Applications close December 1, so don’t delay!

2023-2024 Apex Actives Legacy

Project: Growing Futures Early Education Center ​

Centurions will support Growing Futures Early Education Center whose mission is to nurture children and strengthen families to enrich our community. The scope of the project is to renovate four preschool classrooms to transform them into more welcoming, interactive, and organized learning environments for the children enrolled at Growing Futures Early Education Center.

2023-2024 Pinnacle Actives Legacy

Project: The Hope Center ​

During the course of the year, Centurions will support The Hope Center toward their mission of providing asset-based programs and opportunities for sustainable growth and development, where children, youth, and families can flourish on Kansas City’s east side. The project will include support to enhance The Hope Center’s reputation of providing positive assets that richly fill the east side of Kansas City.

2022-2023 Apex Actives Legacy

Project: The Don Bosco Centers​

Centurions will support The Don Bosco Centers, whose mission is to position “ethnically diverse populations of all ages across metropolitan Kansas City to be self-sufficient and contributing members of this great community.” Through improvements and repairs both inside and outside The Senior Center, we will assist the Don Bosco Centers in adding capacity so it can provide even greater services to seniors and persons with disabilities. Projects will include interior and exterior construction and redesign as well as opportunities to interact directly with the Don Bosco Centers’ clients.

2022-2023 Pinnacle Actives Legacy

Project: Cultivate KC

During the course of the year the Pinnacle Actives will support Cultivate KC, a locally-grown nonprofit working to grow food, farms, and community in support of a sustainable and healthy local food system for all. The project will include help with Westport Commons Farm promotion, capital campaign promotion, and volunteering at the site and assisting with construction.

2021-2022 Apex Actives Legacy

Project: Newhouse

Centurions will work with Newhouse toward their mission of providing an ecosystem of transformative services that lead to safety, self-sufficiency, and whole-person healing for survivors of domestic violence. The project will include the restoration of bedrooms, a buildout/renovation of an education center for children and teens, both an indoor and outdoor sensory playground and potential rejuvenation of a terraced outdoor garden in the backyard of the building.

2020-2021 Fall Actives Legacy

Project: reStart, Inc.

Centurions will support “reStart University” using Centurions’ collective voices to leave a lasting impact on the Kansas City community, by elevating the impact of homelessness on the community by advocating for homelessness in public policy, mentoring clients in their own self-advocacy, culminating in an Advocacy Day event with Centurions and reStart clients.

2020-2021 Spring Actives Legacy

Project: Synergy Services

Synergy Services is an emergency shelter that provides safe, stable and supportive shelter to the metro’s homeless and runaway youth. Synergy “provides a full continuum of care to assist individuals and families with immediate respite from violence, and services which empower clients to find and choose good options for future safety and success.”

During the course of the year, the 2020-2021 Legacy Project committee will help Synergy Services toward it’s mission to end family violence by providing crisis response (hotlines and advocacy), providing safety (shelter and housing), promoting healing (counseling and support), building strength (empowerment and connections), and effecting change (resilience and prevention). Centurions will help execute a makeover project of all 12 bedrooms and make a statement from the community that will have an impact on hundreds of kids each year.

2019-2020 Centurions Fall Legacy

Project: Happy Bottoms

Happy Bottoms’ mission is to collaborate with community partners to empower, connect and impact low income families by alleviating diaper need in the Kansas City community. During the course of the year, the Fall Centurions will help improve the new warehouse, including refreshing the conference and staff areas.

2018-2019 Centurions Spring Actives Legacy

Project: Niles - KVC Hospitals

Niles’s mission is to enrich and enhance the lives of children and families by providing medical and behavioral healthcare, social services, and education. During the course of the year the Spring Centurions will help improve the activity and outdoor space for youth.